Hebrews 12:2

Looking unto Jesus,
the Author and
Finisher of our faith...

Chippewa Falls, WI

Is it possible to meet as a New Testament Church Today?

Those meeting at River Valley Christian Fellowship are non-denominational and follow the example of the Early Church, which met together for teaching, for fellowship, for breaking of bread (the Lord's Supper), and for prayer (Acts 2:42) We have no enrolled membership. Church membership requires nothing more than being saved by God (Acts 2:47). All who know the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Savior are thereby constituted members of the true Church, the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12-13). Those who are sound in life and doctrine are welcome to fellowship with us. We are known by biblical names such as believers (Acts 5:14), Christians (Acts 11:26), saints (Phil. 1:1), and brethren (Acts 20:32).

We also believe the following:
